“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


to Year 1 (Lapwings)

Mrs K Levesley-min

Mrs Levesley

Meet your teachers

MRs levesley

Hello! I’m Mrs Levesley and I’m really excited to be teaching Y1 again in 2024/25. I can’t wait to get to know you all. My favourite thing about Y1 are the lightbulb moments when the learning just clicks and you find you can do something all by yourself. I love books and stories, so we’ll share lots of those next year. I also love to sing and I’m part of my local community choir. I enjoy the great outdoors and going for walks with my family – my husband and two grown up sons. We have lots of exciting things to learn about in Y1 and I can hardly
wait to get started. See you soon!

Meet your teaching assistants

Miss Priestly

Mrs Kelsall

My name is Mrs. Kelsall, here’s a little about myself and what I get up to when I am not working in school. In my spare time myself and my husband volunteer and run Rotherham Sea Cadets. I’m the Executive Officer and we teach children between 10-18 years of age. We help them to gain confidence and give them life skills to better prepare themselves for whatever life has in store for them. I presently hold the Royal Navy rank of Petty Officer and I get lots of enjoyment from it. I also have two children and we all do this hobby together as a family. This hobby does take most of my time up, but when I do get a few minutes I love craft and making cards.


Areas of Learning

We are going to be learning about our local area, the Arctic and Coasts in Y1 and the Y2s will learn about Rotherham, Australia and London in Geography.

Our History learning in Y1 will be about schools, then transport and finally the seaside. Y2 will learn about castles, toys and the Great Fire of London. In science, we will study the natural world and living things, technology, forces and light. Y2 students will learn about Human needs and growth, sound and electricity.

We have some great Artists to discover and some fabulous Design Technology projects to  undertake. As well as this, we will be learning about Music, Computing and Religions. It’s going to be a busy year!

Class News

Year 2 Maths Magic

In our Maths lessons this week, Y2 have been working on partitioning 2-digit numbers in different ways. We are getting really good at counting in

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Y1/2 Dance Factory

Last Thursday, class 1/2, along with class 4/5, showcased their dance moves in a performance for their families. Ms Bittles-Kincaid brought some amazingly talented students

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