After School Clubs
There is the expectation that once a child has committed themselves to a club, they will attend. If for any reason they cannot attend they must inform the appropriate member of staff.
If for any reason an activity is cancelled at short notice, parents will be informed and in extreme cases the children will be supervised in school until the allocated finish time of the activity.
Half Term | Activity | Day | Start Date | Finish Date |
1 | Fimo Clay | Thursday | 19th September | 10th October |
1 | Boxing | Monday | 16th September | 14th October |
2 | Pottery | Wednesday | 13th November | 4th December |
2 | Football Coaching | Thursday | 14th November | 12th December |
3 | STEM | Monday | 13th January | 3rd February |
3 | Sword Combat (Foam) | Thursday | 16th January | 13th February |
4 | Digital Animation | Wednesday | 5th March | 26th March |
4 | Streetdance | Tuesday | 4th March | 25th March |
5 | Science | Wednesday | 23rd April | 14th May |
5 | Archery | Thursday | 24th April | 22nd May |
6 | Nerf Wars | Thursday | 12th June | 10th July |
6 | Mad Science Electronics Club | Wednesday | 11th June | 2nd July |

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Y2 Maths!
This week in Maths, Y2 have been learning how to represent multiplication using arrays. As the children have been working on arrays, they now understand
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