“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


to Class Year 2 (Barn Swallows)

TP Kaye Burnett 200-200

Mrs Burnett

Mrs Whelpdale

Meet your teachers

Mrs Burnett

Hello! My name is Mrs Burnett and I am really looking forward to teaching you all day on Monday and Tuesday and also on Wednesday mornings. Year 2 is my favourite year group to teach so I know we are going to learn so much and have so much fun! I am looking forward to getting to know you all and find out what kind of things you enjoy. I love going to the gym, taking my dachshund, Benji, for a walk and spending
time with my husband and grown up son. Reading is one of my favourite things and I love writing too, so I can’t wait to share some of this with you! I hope everyone has a lovely summer break and comes back excited to start a new adventure in Year 2 in September!

Mrs Whelpdale

Meet Your Teaching Assistant

Miss Priestley

Mrs Kelsall

My name is Mrs. Kelsall, here’s a little about myself and what I get up to when I am not working in school. In my spare time myself and my husband volunteer and run Rotherham Sea Cadets. I’m the Executive Officer and we teach children between 10-18 years of age. We help them to gain confidence and give them life skills to better prepare themselves for whatever life has in store for them. I presently hold the Royal Navy rank of Petty Officer and I get lots of enjoyment from it. I also have two children and we all do this hobby together as a family. This hobby does take most of my time up, but when I do get a few minutes I love craft and making cards.

Class News

Y2 Maths!

This week in Maths, Y2 have been learning how to represent multiplication using arrays. As the children have been working on arrays, they now understand

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Y2 Literacy!

This term, Y2 have really enjoyed reading ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak. Last week in Literacy, the children created their own wild

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ICT in Y2

Last week in ICT, Y2 predicted algorithms for the Beebot, helping it get to a particular spot on the map. The children then programmed their

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Y2 Geography

This week in Geography, Y2 have been investigating the human and physical features of the Arctic. They showed great teamwork and discussion skills, and even

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