Parental Mental Health Support

Being a parent can be the most rewarding job in the world, but it can also bring challenges – which may affect your mental health. As part of Parent Mental Health Day, a brand-new web page has been created as a one stop shop for parents needing information, advice or tips – whether you’re a […]
Tekk Challenge Update

At Thrybergh Primary we are taking part in a TEKK challenge linking with HSBC banks. We are working on our sales pitch and entrepreneurial skills and logo designs so far. The children are full of enthusiasm. #ThryberghTalks
Chinese New Year Celebrations

The children have loved celebrating Chinese New Year last week. 🎇 They have worked collaboratively to make a class dragon. The students have applied their fine motor skills to some of their art work. We are so proud of them! 🤩
Dodgeball with Year 6 🏐

Great team play last week in dodgeball. Y6 are really starting to play tactically to keep players in the game- fantastic effort from everyone! 👏
Ukulele Lessons with Class 4/5

This term in class 4/5, we have been enjoying learning how to play the ukulele! We have learned some basic chords and simple songs! 🎶
The Fox Busters with Year 2

This half term we are reading a story called ‘The Fox Busters’ by Dick King Smith. When we were in Y2 we read another book that he has written called ‘The Invisible Dog’. Scarlett likes that all the chickens can fly in the story and Freddie enjoyed the part when the foxes made a plan […]
Thrybergh Primary School Open Afternoon 2023

This February Thrybergh Primary School will be holding an open afternoon. Come and meet our staff, and see our facilities. Refreshments will be available. The best way to learn more about Thrybergh Primary School is through this afternoon. Discover what defines a Thrybergh education, from Foundation Class through to Y6, and find out about all stages of […]
TEKK-ing On The Challenge Update

This week our TEKK ambassadors have been working with us again. We have shown our team uniform designs and done a little bit of extra research, sussing out the competition and looking at product specification and design! We are so thrilled with all the hard work they are putting into this challenge.
Basketball Skills 🏀

This half term we are learning basketball. In our PE lesson this week we have been learning to dribble a basketball. We tried to use one hand to dribble the ball around the hall and then even tried to swap hands each time. The Students were so enthusiastic and enjoyed trying a new sport!
Electricity And Circuits ⚡

Y2 children have been learning about electricity. This week they have made a circuit. They really enjoyed working together to try and make the bulb light up!