A Busy Week for Foundation Unit!

Our Foundation unit has had a very busy first week of Spring term with lots more amazing learning taking place. We have been: reading The Gingerbread Man; designing and labelling our own gingerbread men; designing, making and testing boats for the Gingerbread man to cross the river; drawing gingerbread cottages; Roleplaying in our bakery shop […]
Class 1/2 Number Groups

We have been using our new rekenreks to support us to find ways of making 10 or 20, by combining 2 or more groups. We like using these because the beads can’t escape! Ask your child about the ready position, how many beads in each row and how many altogether.
Class 6 Reading Skills

Year 5/6 have been working really hard on their inference skills in reading this week. We have have excellent levels of concentration when explaining our response to the text.
Taylor Shaw Catering Survey

Our catering suppliers, Taylor Shaw, are now running a survey for you to have your say! This short questionnaire will help them to gain a better understanding on what you think works and doesn’t work, to help them make the appropriate changes. Some of the questions will be around pricing, quality, availability, and the service […]
Attendance Awards Autumn Term 2

A big well done to all of these children who achieved good and better attendance for last term. We are super proud of you all. Well done! 👏
WPT to Begin Phase One of Solar PV Installation Project with Funding from the North East & Yorkshire Net Zero Hub

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we are excited to begin the installation of solar PV panels across all 13 of our schools. We have secured £100,000 in grant funding from the North East & Yorkshire Net Zero Hub, through the second round of their Energy Project Enabling Fund, to help finance Phase One of the project, […]
KS2 Christmas Party 🎉⭐

This week we had our KS2 Christmas party. There were some moves busted! Everyone joined in with the dancing and we have some brilliant party games including musical chairs and matching pairs. Great team work from everyone and a lovely atmosphere. What a fantastic way to celebrate Christmas together and have some fun.
Class 1/2 & 2/3 Christmas Party

This week, Class 1/2 & 2/3 enjoyed their Christmas party! We had fun with some festive twists on our games: Pass the bauble, sleeping Santa’s and the corners game.
Christmas Post Service

Our younger children have really enjoyed sending Christmas cards through our ‘Thrybergh Christmas Post Service’. Everyone in school has been experiencing the joy of sending and receiving Christmas cards. 🎅✉
Thybregh Primary Christmas Performance 🎄⭐

Last week we performed our Christmas play! The Christmas Jigsaw in front of a large audience of parents, friends and family. We really showed that we are proud of our talents. There was some outstanding acting and voice control. Everyone knew their lines inside out and the solo and duet singers were fantastic. It really […]