“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Class 1/2 Positional Language in Maths!

Last week in Maths, Class 1/2 focused on positional language. They worked in pairs to build a tower, and followed each others’ instructions to place a block above or below another colour. They then listened very carefully to instructions for where to draw shapes on a grid, using above, below, left and right. There was […]

FS2 Cannon Hall Farm Trip!

Foundation went on a trip to Cannon Hall Farm! They had a great time learning all about the animals, and they especially enjoyed the ferret racing. They then went on a tractor ride, which was very bumpy. It was a brilliant day full of fun and learning, well done everyone!

Class 2/3 Picasso Art Study!

This term, Class 2/3 are studying the artist Pablo Picasso. They have been looking at different pieces of his art, and have used this to inspire their own art work, as they are creating their very own self portrait inspired by Pablo Picasso. Last week, everyone drew their final design before they completed their final […]

Y5/6 Computing!

This week, Y5/6 have been creating documents in order to compose a piece of writing of their own choice, and everyone has had some fantastic ideas. They have also experimented with adding in images and creating different layouts. They have shown a wonderful attitude towards learning. Well done everyone!

Y3 Gone Green!

A big well done to some of our Year 3 children for turning their heat map green! They have all been working incredibly hard at their timetables, and they can now answer all their timetables in under four seconds, which is a big achievement in Year 3. Well done, we are very proud of you!

Writing Diaries with Y5/6!

This week, Y5/6 have been very busy working on their writing. They have been looking at the Grace Darling sea rescue story, and have been planning to write a diary entry for the day of the rescue. They have really shown their ability to work hard, and have demonstrated resilience in their learning.  Well done […]

Colour Run 2024!

After a very intense and focused week of SATS in Y6, it was definitely time to let our hair down, or wear a multi-coloured wig! We had an amazing time at the colour run in aid of Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice. We all tried to get sponsors to support the work of this life changing […]

Georgia O’Keeffe Inspired Artwork

Foundation have been creating some beautiful art pieces inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe, who painted pictures of flowers. The children created their artwork by using the resources and equipment they have outside. Well done everyone!

Y4/5 Religious Studies and Karma!

Year 4/5 have been studying Hinduism as part of their Religious Studies. They have been looking at the concept of karma in particular. Snakes and ladders is an ancient Indian game used to teach the concept of karma. The snakes represent bad karma, and the ladders represent good karma and how success is achieving moksha […]

Y1/2 Romero Britto Art Study!

In our art lessons, we are studying the artist Romero Britto. We have looked closely at the black lines he uses in his work, and created an artist dictionary in our sketchbooks. We experimented with different pens and pencils, to create curved, straight, striped, thick and thin lines. Well done Y1/2!