“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

A History of Toys

This term in History Year 2 have been learning about the history of toys. We brought in toys from home to discuss how we could group these. We then compared our toys from the present to toys from the past. We worked hard in our teams and listen to each team members opinion. 

Class 4/5 Self Portraits ✏

This week Class 4/5 have been using all the skills we have been practicing to complete a self portrait. It’s quite challenging but we are making great progress! 

100 Days of School

Last week, we celebrated our 100th day of school. Every day in our Maths lesson, we track how many days since we started in class 1/2 in September. We made party hats and had a little biscuit treat. 

Class Dojo Reward 🌟

For earning 2000 dojos our class chose to have a session using the large apparatus in the hall. We took our time and learn how to safely use the equipment and lots of us were taking calculated risks by going on equipment they’d not used before and challenging themselves to climb, balance and travel across […]

Thrybergh Primary go to Young Voices 2024

Yesterday students from Thrybergh Primary attended the Young Voice 2024 concert. 🎶 After a brilliant rehearsal with the children, we were all geared up for the main event!  We had the best time singing our hearts out! 💙

Dojo Reward 🤩

Last week Class 5/6  celebrated earning 2000 dojos by having their own special non- uniform day as a reward for their hard work. Well Done Everyone. What a brilliant way to celebrate our success! 👏

Representing Algebraic Expressions in Y6

In Year 5/6 the maths is quite challenging. Recently we have been learning to express algebraic expressions using cubes to support our learning. We had to be really resilient to get it right!

Year 5/6 Artist Focus

We have begun to explore how to create different tones and textures using charcoal. Excellent focus and concentration in preparation for creating artwork in the style of Valerie Ganz.

Year 2/3 Geography Skills 🌎🔍

This week in Geography Year 2 have been using the key on a map to identify human and physical features of the Gold Coast in Australia! They all worked super hard. 

SFA in Year 4/5

Fantastic concentration in paired reading in SFA on Monday morning, followed by summarising what we have read so far. We are all aiming to be writing with pens by the end of the year, so we are working hard on using correct letter formation and joins.