Y1/2 Visit Scarborough

On Wednesday 5th July, the Y1 and 2 children went on a visit to Scarborough. We have been learning all about this area in our Geography lessons. We had a brilliant time playing on the beach at North Bay and building sandcastles. Class 1/2 have managed to accrue 6000 dojos, so we had an ice […]
Y4 – Virtual Author Visit

Last Thursday morning we were lucky enough to be able to join the successful author Tom Palmer on a virtual visit. He has had lots of books published and he really enjoys writing about football! He even did a quiz about football for us all to take part in! It has definitely inspired us to […]
Y4/5 DT Project

Year 4 enjoyed making pizzas for their latest Design Technology project this week. We completed a survey to find out which toppings were popular and then we designed and made our own pizzas, even the pizza dough! Chopping, kneading and slicing were just some of the skills we used. They turned out great and we all took our pizzas […]
Y6 Prom – What a Night!

Year 6 definitely did it in style this year! 🤩 Amazing outfits – everyone really put their best foot forward- everyone looked so amazing and my word these kids can bust a move or two. We had a fabulous night and I wish we could do it again – outstanding! 🕺🎉💃
Y6 Leavers Assembly

We had a very emotional farewell last Thursday when we did our final assembly together. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house! We are soooo proud of our Y6 leavers, they are unique and amazing and we will miss them all so much. Good luck with your new schools you will be awesome!
Foundation Learn About Pirates🏴☠️

Foundation has been enjoying learning all about Pirates this week. We’ve worked together to crack the pirate code and turned ourselves into pirates. Then we built a pirate ship in the construction area and hit the high seas! Oo arr me hearties!
WPT First Aid Training

Over this academic year, staff, parents and all of our students took part in First Aid training. The courses were delivered by First Aid Schools and equipped them with the skills and knowledge to handle certain incidents and injuries they may come across. Topics for our primary schools included: How to be safe at home, […]
WPT Y6 Prom 2023

Last Tuesday night, we celebrated the end of our primary school journey in style at the WPT Y6 Prom! It was a fantastic evening which involved: Lots of dancing A catwalk Photobooth Food with friends We all had a wonderful time and the children were a credit to Monkwood once again. A big thank you […]
Y2/3s D&T Project

Class 2/3 have started their D&T project this week where they will be creating their own oat cereal bar. Today in class the children were tasting different types of cereal bars and rated them out of 5 stars. The children then discussed what they liked and didn’t like about each bar and decided if there […]
Eco Council & Y6 Do Some Spot Planting!

This week our eco council and some helpful Y6 pupils have been doing a spot of planting in an effort to improve the environment! Great teamwork with everyone taking responsibility for getting the job done and it looks fabulous!🌷