“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Careers in the Curriculum – IT

This month’s Careers in the Curriculum subject is Business and IT. Scott, Briony and James from the Wickersley Partnership Trust Media Team visited school last week to speak to the children about their careers in Media and Marketing and how this centers around Business and IT. They spoke to the children about how their team […]

Foundation Unit Learning Update

We have been really busy in our Foundation unit, this half term, with lots of wonderful Christmas activities, such as: chopping vegetables for reindeer food; making and decorating gingerbread men; wrapping gifts; helping Santa find sounds; Adding button baubles to number Christmas trees; building Santa’s sleigh; writing shopping lists and letters to Father Christmas and […]

WPT Christmas Card Competition Winners 2023!

Over the last few weeks, students from across Wickersley Partnership Trust have been getting festive and creative for the WPT Christmas Card Competition! Our annual competition, which is now in its fifth year, is held to showcase some of our amazing budding artists, with the winning entries transformed into professionally printed Christmas Cards which are […]

Thrybergh Primary 2023 Santa Dash 🎅

Last week our whole school took part in a ‘Santa Dash’ in support of Rotherham Hospice. Everyone showed great enthusiasm and participated brilliantly to support this charity! 🏃🏻‍♂️🎅

Uniform Week for the TEKK Challenge

This week we really took risks with our uniform designs in TEKK challenge. We had to make some adaptations and use a bit of trial and improvement to reach our end goal. Great attitude from everyone! 👏 

Number Knowledge with Foundation Stage

Foundation has been exploring and developing our number sense using Rekenrek’s.  The children were delighted to demonstrate their number knowledge and use their subitising skills to talk about what they see.

Museum of the Moon at Rotherham Minster

We’ve had an amazing experience at Rotherham Minster. We completed a drama activity linked to the Museum of the Moon, which is a touring artwork by UK artist Luke Jerram. @FluxRotherham have brought this touring artwork by Luke Jerram to Rotherham Minster until 30 November. It will also be accompanied by events and activities. Find […]

Y5/6 TEKK Project

On Thursday we made an excellent start to our TEKK project, working with our TEKK ambassadors to design team names, logos and uniforms. We saw some great collaboration and teamwork! 

Y5/6 Computing

Fantastic focus this afternoon during our computing lesson. We were really concentrating on variables and how to use repetition in our programs. Good perseverance from everyone!

Peak District Exploring 🏞

Year 3/4 have enjoyed a wonderful day in the Peak District to support their current Geography learning. We visited the Longshaw Estate and walked through to Burbage and the Eastern Moors area of the Peak District. The children learnt about the varied landscapes as well the abundance of exciting wildlife that inhabit the Peak District. The children […]