WPT Easter Competition 2024

Over the holidays, we held an Easter competition, which was open to all students across the Trust. The challenge was to take an Easter themed selfie/photo, or create a design. We had some fantastic entries and enjoyed seeing all of the creative things that our students got up to over the half term! But while […]
Rotherham Family Hub – Friendly, Welcoming Spaces

Families can access this support in-person at a number of one-stop shops across the borough and online through the Rotherham Council website, making it easier to get the information, advice or support that you need when raising children. Families with children aged 0 to 19 (or up to 25 for those with additional needs) can […]
Y4/5 Cyber Bullying Workshop

This afternoon we took part in a cyber bullying workshop which was run by the NHS initiative, With Me In Mind. We thought about how it would make someone feel if they were experiencing cyber bullying and what they could do to stop it. We then created our own cyber bullying heroes and gave them […]
Y6 Seahouses Residential🏖

On our first day in Seahouses, we did a beach safari with Ranger Jane. We began by looking at the levels of erosion caused by this winter’s storms then we looked at the impact of human activity on the beaches and did some litter picking along the beach. We found out that a lot of […]
Half Term 4 Newsletter

Our HT4 Newsletter is here! Click the link below to see what the children have been learning in school this half term. Happy Easter Holidays Thrybergh Primary! HT4 Newsletter
Easter Bonnet Parade!

Last week, we had a special Easter Assembly where we showed our wonderful Easter Bonnets and craft creations. What a brilliant effort each participant made, they were all stunning and eggstra special!
Foundation Stage Healthy Eating

Foundation has been learning about how to be healthy last term. 🍎🏃♂️ We talked about how exercise keeps our minds and our bodies healthy. We discussed what food we like to eat and decided to make ourselves a healthy fruit kebab for our snack!
Foundation Stage Easter Fun!

Foundation had lots of Easter fun last week! We used our creative skills to take part in lots of Easter crafts, such as making chicks with our playdough and decorating Easter eggs. We also read the book ‘We’re going on an Egg Hunt’, and then went on our own egg hunt and found a wheelbarrow […]
TEKK Challenge Triumph!!

Last Tuesday our Y5/6 team went to the head offices of HSBC bank to make their presentation for the TEKK Challenge. Our team did a wonderful presentation and won an award for their product design. Fantastic team work from everyone involved. We are very grateful for the help and time given by our TEKK ambassadors […]
SPaG Learning

In SPaG last week, Year 2/3 have been learning all about nouns. At the end of the lesson we had a competition to see who could list as many common and proper nouns they could see around the classroom. The winner listed a total of 31 common and proper nouns. Well done Year 2/3!