Class 2/3 Celebrate World Book Day 2024!

What a fantastic World Book Day we had in class 2/3. All children were fantastic and came dressed in their comfy clothes and brought their favourite book. We enjoyed sharing our favourite stories with our friends.
Class 2/3 Easter Workshop 🐰

Year 2/3 had a fantastic time with the clay, making Easter bunnies at their Parent Workshop. They all worked so hard to complete their lovely bunnies and they never gave up! A big thank you to all the parents who could attend our event!
Making Mother’s Day Cards 💐

Foundation enjoyed using their painting and printing skills to create cards for the special people in their lives! 🥰
Easter Clay Workshop

Last week, we held an Easter Craft workshop in school. Jill, the clay lady, worked with each class throughout the day. Parents and carers were invited to come and work with their child and some very sweet little Easter bunnies were created together. 🥰🐰
Easter Parent Workshop 🐰

Year 4/5 had a fantastic time with the clay, making Easter bunnies at their Parent Workshop. They worked hard, never gave up and are proud of their achievements. A big thank you to all the parents who could attend our event!
TT Rockstars Tournament

This week we held a tournament on TT Rockstars, boys versus girls. The girls won this time, but the top 3 boys and girls each got a certificate for their amazing effort. Keep up the great work!
Foundation Stage Celebrated Lunar New Year 🎐🎇

Last month, Foundation celebrated the Lunar New Year. 🐲 We enjoyed watching the dragon dancers and created our own dragon dance in our classroom! We had so much fun moving to the beat of the music!
Jack and the Beanstalk! 🌱

Foundation has been reading all about Jack and the Beanstalk. We planted our own beanstalks, and we have been watching them grow and they are getting very tall! We also measured our feet to see how big they are! Luckily none of our feet were as big as the Giants!
Construction Crew

Foundation has been using their building skills to construct some of the most magnificent buildings!
Ceramic Skills

Class 1/2 have been learning about the work of a ceramicist. Last week, we learned how to wedge, pancake and roll our clay to make a smooth and even clay tile.