“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

A busy week for Thrybergh Foundation Unit!

As always, our FS1 and FS2 children have been working extremely hard last week with many activities including: Making friendship bracelets, building ramps to drive our cars on, acting out The Elves and The Shoe-maker and Goldilocks and the Three Bears, making two coloured repeated number patterns, exploring more than and less than, creating pictures […]

Class 1/2 take part in ‘Jobs for All’ with the NHS

Last week, Class 1/2 took part in a live ‘Meet the Physios’ session, as part of the ‘Jobs for All’ project with the NHS. We got to listen to Elliott and Hannah talk about what a Physiotherapist does and we learned about our bones, joints and muscles. We asked a question: How many patients do […]

Year 4/5 Sketching Skills

Our artist this term is Vincent van Gogh, so last week in Art, we have been learning how to draw facial features using a pencil for tone and shade. Over the next few weeks we will be completing our own self portraits using the skills we have gathered.

Practical Ratio Learning

On Friday we began our learning about ratio and proportion using packets of buttons to sort different ratios. Excellent resilience and learning from everyone. We understand the use of comparison in maths and we can use the language ‘in every’ and ‘for every’ to explain our ratios and proportions. A fantastic lesson with everyone engaged […]

Foundation Stage Story Focus 📚

Last week, our Foundation children have been extremely busy learning!  Our focus stories have been Hansel and Gretel and Goldilocks and the Three Bears and these have been the focus of our activities. We have made stick puppets and thank you cards, created sweetie houses out of paper bags and playdough – with pompoms and […]

French Learning in Year 4/5

During our French lesson this week we learned the names of different kinds of foods. We used a story of words and pictures to help us read about what the hungry monster had eaten! We then completed a crossword using the names of some of the foods.

Year 4/5 Cheerleading Skills

During this half term in Y4/5, we are learning cheerleading skills in our PE lessons. We have learned arm motions and stunting and we have been watching professional cheerleading teams online. We are aiming to make our own routine with advanced stunting by the end of term!

Investigating Materials 🔍

In Science we have been investigating the properties of materials. In particular we have been finding out which materials are soluble or insoluble. We have some great practical scientists who love to make discoveries about different materials. Great team work too! 

Virtual Author Visit from Jess Butterworth

On Wednesday, we had a really interesting virtual visit from author Jess Butterworth. She told us all about her adventures travelling to different countries and explained how this inspires her writing. She gave us lots of top tips for writing. Excellent listening and questioning skills from lots of budding writers.

Year 6 Booster Sessions

Our Y6 pupils are really taking responsibility for their learning and going the extra mile to improve their maths, reading, spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing skills. Superb effort and attitude! 👏⭐