Sky Arts Week Music with Y4/5

This week is Sky Arts week and year 4/5 have been learning about how different instruments and the various sounds they can make can show our different identities. We created our own visual music scripts and then performed them to the rest of the class! We worked together as a team and supported each other. Well done Year 4/5, […]
F2 Learn About Pride

F2 have had great fun learning about Pride. We then went outside to create our own Pride rainbows in the school yard.
Money Matters

Children from across our WPT primary schools have undertaken their ‘Money Matters’ curriculum this year. This strand of our mathematics enables children to learn important concepts about economics and the value of money, including how our money system works. They really enjoyed building their learning around these important elements for the future! Students will be […]
Thrybergh Eco-Council Get Green Fingers 🌱

This week members of the Eco-Council tried their hand at gardening! Whilst doing so we discussed how plants are really important for the planet and for all living things. We discussed that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen from their leaves, which humans and other animals need to breathe. We also discussed how living things […]
Y6 Practice Hand-Eye Coordination

In Y6 today we have been learning about hand-eye coordination during our tennis session with a focus on controlling the ball and using the racket with precision. We have some potential tennis aces! 🎾
Roman Invasion with Y3/4

In History Year 3/4 have worked together to research the Roman Invasion in Britain in preparation for writing as historians next lesson. We followed the Thrybergh Way by working hard and not giving up. #TeamThrybergh
Y3/4 Geography Discussions

In Geography Year 3/4 have learnt all about trade and the advantages that trade can bring to a country.🌎🤝 We followed the Thrybergh Way by listening to others and showing respect. #TeamThrybergh
Romero Britto Art with Class 1/2

In class 1/2, we have been studying the work of the artist Romero Britto. 🎨 We have learned about his use of bold lines, bright colours and patterns and we are working on our finished piece inspired by his work.
Y6 Mathematicians

This week Y6 have been practising mental recall of number facts – we need to keep sharp! 💡🤩
Y6 Bronze Pledges

Y6 have achieved their Bronze Pledge Certificates for culture and life skills- how truly fantastic! 🤩👏