PE High Flyer Award 🏆

Congratulations to Magda on achieving the PE high flyer award! We’re all very proud of you. 🌟
Y5/6 Thermal Investigation

This week, we explored the relationships between materials and thermal insulation! We made good use of our ability to read scales, a skill learnt in Maths, to read the scales on our thermometers. We have recorded some interesting results and will be completing our investigation and drawing conclusions from our results next week.
Swimming Superstars 🌟

A massive well done to the Year 4s who have recently completed their swimming sessions. It has been lovely to see so many of you receiving certificates for your hard work and progress – you should all be very proud! 👏 An extra special well done to Logan and Danielle for receiving the ‘Most Improved’ […]
Thrybergh Attendance Awards

Thrybergh Primary had some fantastic attendance scores last term and we have now given our students their certificates! A HUGE well done to these children who have attended school during spring term and achieved 100% attendance. The children below attended school during spring term and achieved ‘Good’ attendance. These children have 96% or above attendance. […]
Career of the Month

In April we are looking at careers in the area of Maths. This week some of our budding mathematicians had a talk from Mr O’toole who is a Trainee Healthcare Scientist (Clinical Scientific Computing). It was so interesting learning all about his work and how he uses maths every single day in his job at Newcastle NHS. A BIG thank […]
Congratulations to the WPT Easter Competition 2023 Winners!

Over the Easter holidays, we held an Easter competition, which was open to all students across our primary and secondary schools. The challenge was to take an Easter themed selfie/photo or create a design. We had lots of fantastic entries and we can now reveal our five winners, who have all received their chocolate-y prize […]
Class 4/5 Attendance Update

Excellent attendance for Spring term. Well done to everyone who got a certificate. It’s an amazing achievement. Let’s see how many more children can get one at the end of the summer term!
Year 2/3 Show Their Sewing Skills

Our DT project last half term was to design and make a tooth fairy pouch. We used our sewing skills to carefully make the bags and then thread some ribbon through it so that it can fasten. They look great!
EYFS Careers

Our children have been part of lots of talks recently about different careers. We have even looked at different uniforms. We have lots of caring children at Thrybergh who would ‘like to help people’ when they are older. 🥰
Thrybergh Half Term Newsletter

Our HT4 Newsletter is here! Click the link below to see what the children have been learning in school this half term. Happy Easter Holidays Thrybergh Primary! 🐣🐰😍 HT4 Newsletter