“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y5/6 Visit Magna

On Monday we went to Magna Science Adventure Centre where we took part in a workshop all about forces.

We had an amazing time learning about the forces needed to power rockets then we went around the whole centre which is a truly amazing place we went in each of the four pavilions: air, water, earth and fire.

There was so much to see and discover but right at the end of the day our guide, Amy, gave us an extra treat and we were able to watch Amy working with metal in the forge. We had such a great day it’s been hard to decide which part was the best!

Thrybergh White

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Y2 Maths!

This week in Maths, Y2 have been learning how to represent multiplication using arrays. As the children have been working on arrays, they now understand

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