“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Class 1/2 take part in ‘Jobs for All’ with the NHS

Last week, Class 1/2 took part in a live ‘Meet the Physios’ session, as part of the ‘Jobs for All’ project with the NHS. We got to listen to Elliott and Hannah talk about what a Physiotherapist does and we learned about our bones, joints and muscles.

We asked a question: How many patients do you see every day? Elliott told us they see 4 or 5 on community visits, but 6-8 when in the clinic in the hospital. Some children said they might like to be a Physiotherapist in the future. Hannah told us that you have to work hard at school and then go to college to train for 3 years.

Thrybergh White

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Y2 Life Cycles in Science

This week in Science, Y2 focused on the topic of change and adapt. The children researched and found out about the stages of the butterfly life

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