“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Class 6

Class 6

Reading Revision

We had an early start at 8am to carry on with our reading preparations today. Excellent effort from everyone! 📖

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Dojo Reward 🤩

Last week Class 5/6  celebrated earning 2000 dojos by having their own special non- uniform day as a reward for their hard work. Well Done

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Class 6

Year 5/6 Artist Focus

We have begun to explore how to create different tones and textures using charcoal. Excellent focus and concentration in preparation for creating artwork in the

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Class 6

Practical Ratio Learning

On Friday we began our learning about ratio and proportion using packets of buttons to sort different ratios. Excellent resilience and learning from everyone. We

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Thrybergh White

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Class 4/5

Y5 Clay Models in Geography!

On Tuesday afternoon, Y5 made clay models to illustrate the stages of coastal erosion. They created brilliant 3D models showing fissures in cliffs, caves, arches,

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Thrybergh White

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