“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Class 6

Class 6

Year 6 Booster Sessions

Our Y6 pupils are really taking responsibility for their learning and going the extra mile to improve their maths, reading, spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing

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Class 6

Class 6 Reading Skills

Year 5/6 have been working really hard on their inference skills in reading this week. We have have excellent levels of concentration when explaining our

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Class 6

Y5/6 TEKK Project

On Thursday we made an excellent start to our TEKK project, working with our TEKK ambassadors to design team names, logos and uniforms. We saw

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Class 6

Y5/6 Computing

Fantastic focus this afternoon during our computing lesson. We were really concentrating on variables and how to use repetition in our programs. Good perseverance from

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Class 6

Climbing Skills

Year 5 and 6 have really been showing that they take risks and never give up today at the climbing wall! 🧗‍♀️ 👏 Everyone has

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Class 6

Online Safety with SYP

On Wednesday, we had a special visitor from South Yorkshire Police who gave a presentation about online safety. Everyone listened well and contributed to our

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Class 6

Y5/6 Visit Magna

On Monday we went to Magna Science Adventure Centre where we took part in a workshop all about forces. We had an amazing time learning

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Thrybergh White

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Class 4/5

Y5 Clay Models in Geography!

On Tuesday afternoon, Y5 made clay models to illustrate the stages of coastal erosion. They created brilliant 3D models showing fissures in cliffs, caves, arches,

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Thrybergh White

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