Y5 Clay Models in Geography!

On Tuesday afternoon, Y5 made clay models to illustrate the stages of coastal erosion. They created brilliant 3D models showing fissures in cliffs, caves, arches, and stacks. Some great resilience was shown by all. Well done everyone!
Y2 Sports Day Practise

Last week, Y2 practised some of the skills they were going to be using on Sports Day! Some tasks were quite tricky, but the children showed great resilience and didn’t give up Well done Year 2!
Y2 Maths!

During their first week as Year 2’s, the children were learning about money and matching coins up with their values. They worked really hard in their teams to support each other and talk about how they could make different amounts. Fabulous start Year 2!
Interactive Health Workshops!

On Monday, we had an interactive workshop with the school nurses. We looked at how to stay healthy, including eating a healthy diet, taking care of our teeth, and personal hygiene. It was a lot of fun and a really interesting way to learn about ourselves!
Thrybergh Primary Prom 2024!

Last Wednesday evening, everyone gathered at Cranworth for our WPT Y6 Prom! The children made a fabulous effort, with stunning outfits, which made them look super smart and grown up. After some amazing entrances, they sat down for a wonderful buffet and finished the night with lots of dancing. What a brilliant finale for Y6! […]
Y4/5 Dojo Treat!

Yay! It’s time for celebration. Year 4/5 have earned well over 4000 dojos, so to celebrate we watched the movie ‘Inside Out’, and we also got to enjoy some delicious snacks! The children have loved watching the film, and we have all had a fabulous afternoon. A well deserved treat, well done Y4/5!
Y5 Time Skills!

This week in Y5, they have been revising their time skills in Maths. Some of them found telling the time and writing the time very tricky, so they have done lots of practise, and can now calculate time durations. There was some great resilience shown by everyone, well done!
Foundation Pirate Party!

Arrr, me hearties! Foundation have had a swashbuckling time this week at our Pirate Party, to celebrate all of their hard work! We all dressed up and played games such as musical islands, and we took turns walking the plank. Some well deserved fun!
Y2/3 Hockey Skills!

In PE, Year 2/3 having been working hard to improve their skills in hockey. They have previously practiced controlling and travelling with the ball independently. This week, they have been working in pairs and small groups to pass the ball in a controlled manner to one another. The whole class worked so hard and communicated […]
Poetry in Y2/3!

In SFA, the children have started to learn all about poetry. They have been rehearsing poems in pairs and some of them have been very brave, and come to the front to read some of their favourite poetry. They are also working hard on adding rhythm to their reading. Well done Year 2/3!