“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Year 4/5 Mackenzie Thorpe Art Studies!

This week, we have continued learning about the artist Mackenzie Thorpe and his work. We used chalk pastels to mix colours that we could see in an example of Thorpe’s art. We also studied what features make up a landscape and labelled them.  Well done Y4/5!

Y4/5 Maths Superstars!

This week, Year 4/5 have been working super hard in Maths! They have been learning how to order numbers and round them to the nearest integer.  Well done everyone!

Y5/6 Frida Kahlo Art Studies!

This week in Art, the children have been experimenting with background designs for their Frida Kahlo inspired self portraits. Everyone showed some real resilience to get this right, and we are super proud. Well done!

Y4/5 ICT Paper Airplanes!

In our ICT lesson this week, Y4/5 had to rearrange a set of jumbled up instructions (algorithms), and correct (debug) two mistakes to make a paper airplane. Well done Year 4/5!

Y2/3 Healthy Sandwich DT Project!

Our DT project this term is to design and make a healthy sandwich. This week, we experimented trying different sandwich fillings and rated each of them out of 5 stars! We then decided what our favourite filling was and designed our sandwich ready to make next week.  Well done everyone!

Y2/3 Mini Tennis Practise!

This week in PE, Y2/3 have been practising their control by playing mini tennis using a ball and hoop, they couldn’t let go of the hoop so they had to listen to eachothers instructions carefully. They all worked so hard and listened to eachother fantastically, well done Year 2/3!

Y4/5 First Aid!

This week, Y4/5 had the opportunity to learn some basic first aid skills with First Aid Schools. They now feel confident enough to put a sling on, to support an arm injury, and help someone who is choking. They listened brilliantly, and worked together in a very mature way. Well done Year 4/5!

Y4/5 Stitching Practise!

This week, Y4/5 have been practising different styles of stitching in order to make their own bags for life. They have completed their final designs and are ready to move onto the final step of producing their own bags. Well done everyone!

Y5/6 First Aid!

This week, we have learnt some super helpful life skills, by taking part in first aid training provided by First Aid Schools. We have learnt about emergency situations, CPR and how to access and use a defibrillator. A great attitude was shown from everyone, well done!

Y5 After School Book Discussions

Year 5 are very busy after school on Thursdays! Everyone takes part in extended reading, then they discuss their books with an adult. There is a great attitude towards learning, and effort from everyone. Well done Y5!