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Thrybergh Primary Key Stage 1 and 2 students have made us all super proud in their Christmas production, ‘The Simplest Nativity Ever’. Everyone worked super

Last week, Foundation had a visit from P.C Paul, who told the children all about the work of the Police Service. Everyone was really interested

Christmas Activities in Foundation!
Over the past few weeks, Foundation have been busy learning about the celebration of Christmas. They have taken part in many fun, learning activities including,

Yesterday, we were in high festive spirits as we did our Reindeer Run, it was raining but we weren’t letting that stop us! We did

This week in PE, Year 2 have been learning how to control their bodies with different equipment. They have concentrated on balance, aim, and hand

This week, we have been working very hard on fractions and using apparatus to help support our understanding. Fractions can be a tricky theme in

On Tuesday 3rd December, Year 3 at Thrybergh Primary took part in a With me in Mind workshop on cyberbullying. The children learnt so much,

This week, Year 4/5 had a fantastic time during their skipping training. They learned lots of new skills and tricks, that they will be practising

In Foundation, the children have enjoyed reading a book called ‘Actual Size’, inside are pictures of animal parts that are true to size, such as

Foundation Stage at Thrybergh Primary continuously work hard! We are so proud of how they work together, and always try their best, even when something

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TT Rockstars Battle in Y3!
This afternoon, Class 3 at Thrybergh Primary have taken part in a TT Rockstars battle! The battle was set by Mrs Parry McDermott, with only
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