Harvest Festival Arts & Crafts in Y3!
This week, there has been lots of discussion in Year 3 around the Harvest Festival and what it’s all about. The children have made some scarecrows in prep for their harvest festival performance today. Well done everyone! #WeAreEquippedToLearn
Painting Arctic Landscapes in Y2!
This week, Y2 started their own Arctic landscape paintings, based on the work of Linda Lang. They carefully sketched the outlines of the shapes, and then used what they had learnt about colour mixing to start painting their artwork! Stay tuned for the finished pieces coming soon. Well done Barn Swallows, keep it up! #WeAlwaysTryOurBest
Y3 History Careers!
This week, Year 3 have done some learning and discussion around careers, and what those might look like in the subject of History. They have focused particularly on Archaeologists, as this links in well with their history topic of the Stone Age. The children recapped what an Archaeologist is, and then they watched Dr Serengeti […]
Y5/6 Art!
In Art, Y5/6 have been studying the work of Jimoh Buraimoh. They have learnt how he represented people in abstract form, using vivid colour and shape. The children have found inspiration from African tribal masks and used this to produce art work in the style of Jimoh Buraimoh. They have produced some stunning pieces, well […]
3D Shapes in Y1!
Year 1 have been working hard on naming, sorting and making patterns with 3D shapes this week! They can name two types of pyramid, and describe the faces of each shape. Great work, well done Y1! #WeWorkHard
Y5/6 Hockey!
On Monday, Y5/6 had an amazing P.E. lesson! They have been refining their sending and receiving skills and trying to properly ‘dribble’ the ball to gain control before shooting. They managed to start some small sided hockey games as well, and the level of sportsmanship and fair play was brilliant. Well done everyone!
Y4/5 Library Visit!
This week, Y4/5 really enjoyed their visit to Mowbray Garden Library! They toured the library, and even got to check out a library book using their new library cards, and then got some time to read their own books. They had such a fantastic time, well done everyone! #WeAreEquippedToLearn
Y1 Sunset Art!
Last week, Y1 were working very hard in Art. They mixed pastel colours to paint a pale sunset sky in the style of Monet. This week, they’ll be adding the foreground. Super concentration Lapwings, well done! #WeWorkHard
Number Bonds in Y2!
This week, Year 2 have been using their number bonds to 10, in order to help them with their number bonds to 100! They also used the diennes to show the link between them. Well done everyone! #WeWorkHard
Y5/6 Proud Certificate!
A huge congratulations to Freya for gaining the first ‘Proud’ Certificate of the year in Y5/6! Freya’s certificate is for her wonderful writing, which has blown us all away because of her wonderful use of language and improved punctuation. An amazing effort, well done Freya! #WeAreProudOfOurAchievements