This week in PE, Y2 have been learning how to travel and spin safely while still holding their balance. They did such a fantastic job,
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This week in PE, Y2 have been learning how to travel and spin safely while still holding their balance. They did such a fantastic job,
This week, Y2 have been learning how to accurately measure in centimetres and metres. They had to make sure they started measuring from 0, which
This week, Y2 have started to make their photo frames, after researching and designing over the past few weeks. The children have put a lot
This week in Maths, Y2 have been learning how to represent multiplication using arrays. As the children have been working on arrays, they now understand
This term, Y2 have really enjoyed reading ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak. Last week in Literacy, the children created their own wild
Last week in ICT, Y2 predicted algorithms for the Beebot, helping it get to a particular spot on the map. The children then programmed their
This week in Geography, Y2 have been investigating the human and physical features of the Arctic. They showed great teamwork and discussion skills, and even
This week in Science, Y2 have been investigating plants, and what they need to germinate and become healthy. The children put some seeds in the
This week in History, Y2 have been looking at how trains have changed over time. They watched a video, showing the history of trains, and
Recently, Y2 took part in a Vocabulary Algorithm workshop to help with their Computing lessons. First of all, the children were given instructions to draw
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Last week, Y5/6 were working in teams to plan and carry out an investigation in Science. Their challenge was to separate all the materials in
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