Last week Class 5/6 celebrated earning 2000 dojos by having their own special non- uniform day as a reward for their hard work. Well Done
School is closed today, 6th January, due to snowfall. Please check Dojo for updates.
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Last week Class 5/6 celebrated earning 2000 dojos by having their own special non- uniform day as a reward for their hard work. Well Done
Representing Algebraic Expressions in Y6
In Year 5/6 the maths is quite challenging. Recently we have been learning to express algebraic expressions using cubes to support our learning. We had
We have begun to explore how to create different tones and textures using charcoal. Excellent focus and concentration in preparation for creating artwork in the
On Friday we began our learning about ratio and proportion using packets of buttons to sort different ratios. Excellent resilience and learning from everyone. We
In Science we have been investigating the properties of materials. In particular we have been finding out which materials are soluble or insoluble. We have
Virtual Author Visit from Jess Butterworth
On Wednesday, we had a really interesting virtual visit from author Jess Butterworth. She told us all about her adventures travelling to different countries and
Our Y6 pupils are really taking responsibility for their learning and going the extra mile to improve their maths, reading, spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing
Year 5/6 have been working really hard on their inference skills in reading this week. We have have excellent levels of concentration when explaining our
This week we had our KS2 Christmas party. There were some moves busted! Everyone joined in with the dancing and we have some brilliant party
Uniform Week for the TEKK Challenge
This week we really took risks with our uniform designs in TEKK challenge. We had to make some adaptations and use a bit of trial
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Dear Parents and Carers, Unfortunately school will be closed today due to adverse weather conditions and the snowfall during the night. We have completed a
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